
I stumbled on this tweet that made ~80ETH from sniping shares on a new platform called Someone in the comments made another ~100ETH.

After some further digging, this tweet explained how it was done. As an exercise, I decided to further elaborate on the flaw and how people used it to make some serious money. There’s also a repo I’m using to recreate evmcheb’s friendrekt repo here.

The Flaw

As mentioned in the tweet thread, the flaw is due to a mempool leak on the nodes that uses. This means that the nodes are leaking transactions that are not yet included in a block. Because of this, people can “back-run” transactions and place their purchase right after the target transaction.


Back-running is a strategy that’s most often used when being first is important. In this case, the first person to buy a share gets the best price. Some common strategies to have the best chance of being included next:

Unfortunately, back-running is no longer possible on the nodes that uses. It was patched with this PR. The PR explains that “op-stack chains can leak tx pool contents on shared nodes.” And because was using a shared node, the mempool contents were available to those with the alpha.

Below is a snippet from friendrekt/ which shows how the mempool was being read.

// for reading pending txs
let mempool_client = Provider::<Ws>::connect("wss://{PROJECT_ID}").await?;
// for sending txs
let fasthttp = fasthttp::FastHttp::new("".to_string());
// subscribe to pending txs (alpha for back-running)
let mempool_stream = mempool_client.subscribe_pending_txs().await.unwrap();

If you run this code now, it will return pending tx filters are disabled because of the patch. It was not intentional to leak the mempool contents, but it was a side effect of the (default) configuration the nodes were using.

With all of this known, how can it be used to make money? Well the goal is to find new people who are joining that have a large following. These people will be likely to have profitable shares once they advertise it to their following. The goal is to find these people and back-run their transactions to be the first buyer.

If that can be done, the shares can be sold back to the market for a profit.

The Exploit

By using friendrekt by evmcheb we can understand how a developer could use all of this to execute on this strategy. The bot’s flow can be explained in the following steps:

  1. Subscribe to pending transactions (no longer possible.)
    • Alternatively, you can subscribe to new blocks and check the transactions in the block. This is not as effective as the original method.
  2. Check for pending transactions that are relevant and asynchronously fetch Twitter followers for the ETH address. This is done by first using which is operated by Then scrape Twitter for their follower count.
  3. Check if the transaction is a share purchase.
    • If it is, check the shareSupply to see if it’s worth targeting.
    • A supply_limit is set at different levels depending on the number of followers. If the amount of shares bought is past the supply_limit, it’s not worth targeting.
  4. If the shares are worth targeting, back-run the transaction
    • This is done with a smart contract called Sniper.sol.
    • In the friendrekt demo, I don’t believe there is any back-running happening in its current state. But a lot of the ideas are there.


  • I imagine the FIFOCache should be more than 10 entries. 100 or 1,000 wouldn’t take that much more memory and would increase the odds of finding a target quickly.
    • Correction: The FIFOCache is being used to deduplicate WebSocket transactions, not store Twitter followers. The HashMap is used to store Twitter followers. (Source)
  • The supply_limit is a good idea, but now that everyone has this knowledge, additional logic should be added to optimize for profit.
  • The original code looks like it was written in a rush. I’m no Rust expert, but I think it could be improved.
  • was quickly “saturated” by bots who knew about the repository that I based this article on. That’s interesting. There are also adversaries who are trying to drain bots. Interesting.
  • I now realize that the &relay_tx_sig is an event from the L2 bridging mechanism. I think it’s used in preparation for someone signing up to
  • $BASE is a new chain. This brings new opportunity and I can understand why this knowledge is not being advertised (shoutout to @bertcmiller for advertising this too.) There are people making serious beans on-chain. I thought L2 MEV was going to be impossible, but I was wrong. I’m excited to see what happens next.
  • The goal is to find “long tail” MEV opportunities. This is a good example of that, but only if you were early. I think there are more opportunities like this out there. I’m going to keep looking. There are some good ideas I’ve found to find other long tail opportunities:
    • Look for transactions with low miner fees (these are less competitive MEV strategies.)
    • Look for transactions with 0x****** function calls. These are likely MEV bots.
    • Read about new protocols and try to understand if they have MEV opportunities.